Archive for September, 2009

Interview: FrePrs (Samuel Lowder)

September 29, 2009


Today, we are proud to present our readers with our first artist interview and we feel like we couldn’t have picked a better guy to start off with. He’s going to be a household name very soon and we’re excited to talk with him before he blows up, so we can say we told you so. He has a show coming up in October at Galeria Con Safos in Santa Ana, CA. His name is Samuel Lowder, but you can just call him FrePrs.


Artist Spotloight of the Day: Cherri Wood

September 28, 2009

Today, we have a post about an artist we’ve only been following for a few months, but we really dig her style. Her name is Cherri Wood and she is only 19. She’s already taken part in multiple group shows and her work only seems to get better. You can find some info about her, as well as some pictures of her art, on her myspace, flickr, and blog. It’s a great idea to pick up her work now because the longer you wait, the more you’re going to have to pay. You can get a great giclee from the CMYK Projects website here. It’s of her piece called “Stupid Bear” and you can see a picture of it below (additional pictures available on the CMYK website):

“Stupid Bear”

David Choe Is Ridiculous…

September 21, 2009

…And by ridiculous, I mean insanely talented. Word from the folks over at Arrested Motion (happy belated birthday to them, by the way) is that he made a huge giclee of an incredible painting called “Death Blossom” from his April show at PYO Gallery in Beijing. The thing is ridiculous. AM says it will be released at Giant Robot’s Biennale 2 show that will take place at the Japanese American National Museum in LA. Hop on over to the Arrested Motion post to check out the rest of the details. Hopefully the prints will be available online at some point (::fingers crossed::). We’ll be sure to keep you updated as soon as we find out any new information, such as the price, edition size, and where you can pick one up. Here is a picture of Dave holding the print (taken from the Arrested Motion post):

Death Blossom

Artist Spotlight of the Day: Jonathan Viner

September 18, 2009

I figured I’d start back with a post that everyone can enjoy. For those who like art, this dude is awesome, and for those who love naked women, they are the subjects of many of his works. If you like art and naked women, then you’ve got to be a fan of Jonathan Viner. His paintings are super lifelike and always look awesome. One of his latest series (which he is now selling the prints of on his website) are from some of the paintings from his “Harem” solo exhibit this past summer. Many involve paintings of different women rocking a pair of headphones. It may seem odd to some, but you almost can’t help but pick one up. You can do so in his store and you can see all other stuff Viner on his site. Check some cool pics after the jump (partially NSFW):

…And We’re Back!

September 15, 2009

Hey guys and gals, after a small hiatus, BSDS is back. There’s so much good art out there and we couldn’t stop until we bought it all to you. We will keep doing our daily spotlights on different artist, mentioning cool drops that are happening, and bringing you info on “other random stuff we like” (because that’s what the header says).