Archive for the ‘Print Release Announcements’ Category

David Choe Is Ridiculous…

September 21, 2009

…And by ridiculous, I mean insanely talented. Word from the folks over at Arrested Motion (happy belated birthday to them, by the way) is that he made a huge giclee of an incredible painting called “Death Blossom” from his April show at PYO Gallery in Beijing. The thing is ridiculous. AM says it will be released at Giant Robot’s Biennale 2 show that will take place at the Japanese American National Museum in LA. Hop on over to the Arrested Motion post to check out the rest of the details. Hopefully the prints will be available online at some point (::fingers crossed::). We’ll be sure to keep you updated as soon as we find out any new information, such as the price, edition size, and where you can pick one up. Here is a picture of Dave holding the print (taken from the Arrested Motion post):

Death Blossom

New Dan McCarthy

May 5, 2009

Dan McCarthy just dropped his May print (well, technically it dropped yesterday) called Dark Days which you can snag a copy of here. It will set you back $40 (plus s+h) and should be a run in the 500s. Its also worth looking into his print of the month club, which is well worth the cost.

‘My Dishonest Heart’ from Audrey Kawasaki

May 5, 2009

Audrey just sent out an email to her mailing list and posted on her website announcing the release of the giclee version of her painting ‘My Dishonest Heart’. It will be put up for sale at 12:00 pm PST (3:00 pm for us east coasters) on Saturday May 9th. The cost is $100 (or $235 framed with uv acrylic, acid-free backing, etc.) with an edition size of 200. You can pick the print up here when it goes on sale. Make sure to register on her site because it’s the only way you can buy one. One more piece of advice, be on time because these sell out ridiculously fast. There’s no lag time or crashing servers, so if you’re not there right when the clock strikes 1200 (pst) then you probably don’t stand a chance. good luck! (we’re all going to need it)

‘My Dishonest Heart’