Posts Tagged ‘Ballad’

James Jean

May 4, 2009

Hey all, I didn’t want to crash for the night without doing a little write up on one of my favorite artists—James Jean. I’m sure that many of you have heard of him, but I still feel like he doesn’t get the attention he deserves. Three of his larger giclees are still for sale: “Toymaker” (my personal favorite), “Ballad“, and “Swan“. I know they’re pretty pricey so I present you with this solution: pre-order a copy of his Kindling – Poster Book over at Chronicle Books for only $29.95. You get 12 posters (each has a print of the painting on one side and a print of the preliminary sketches on the back) and a 24 X 16 gatefold poster of “Toymaker”. If you’re strapped for cash, but want his work on your walls, then this is the way to go. Just make sure to pick up something by this man while you can still afford it (or even if you can’t) because I have to agree with the people over at SuperTouch—he is in the process of “blowing up”.


